Friday, March 25, 2005

taaze 6 ruzeshe, mariz shode, con be har haal qaraar bud bemire aavordanesh xune baraa man, engaar vaaqe'an qaraare man hameye mordaniaa vo juje ordakaaye zeshto dore xodam jam konam!!! xeyli dusesh daaram, be joz ye kamesh ke siaast , baqiyash sefide xeyli kuculu'e kaashki ke namire va kaashki ke emshab bezaare man bexaabam

Thursday, March 24, 2005

move on babe
You are locked into your suffering And your pleasures are the seal. You still don't know you can trust me, for you haven't let your mind touch my perfect body,

Monday, March 21, 2005

see how natural I am!
Next mood swing: 6 minutes.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Did I really left him? I'm still wondering

Afterwards as I sat up in bed and sipped my morning tea, I found myself trying to account for the flavour of reality that confused me in his impossible reminiscences, by supposing they did in some way suggest, present, convey - I hardly know which word to use - experiences it was otherwise impossible to tell.
Well, I don't resort to that explanation now. I have got over my intervening doubts. I believe now, as I believed at the moment of leaving , that he did to the very best of his ability . But whether he himself saw, or only thought he saw, whether he himself was the possessor of an inestimable privilege or the victim of a fantastic dream, I cannot pretend to guess. Even the facts of his looks, which ended my doubts for ever, throw no light on that.
strange!!!! I feel safe and sound! have I ever been better than now?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Caarshanbe suri
Fear and sweat
my muscles ache
I smile, and it's not a fake
I fade away
It troubles me, what you're gonna say
Just a day away
while we both know we are not supposed to stay
no more intention to wait
And what I really hate
Is the panic that stops me from breathing
My knees hit the floor
And I panic more
Until you open my door
This is the back door
Leading me out
Sweep you away
We'll never go on
We're used to these empty words

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Breaking the Ice
and there's so many many thoughts when I try to go to sleep, but with you I start to feel a sort of temporary peace. there's a drift in and out
