Tuesday, May 31, 2005

? was it impossible to float for a while

Sunday, May 29, 2005

! being a father" is one of those bad things that may happen to good people "

Friday, May 27, 2005

Descending in an arc of light
The meteor knows its transience
Illuminating by downfall
This is sufficient:The moment is complete without infinity

God bless Zakaria

Thursday, May 26, 2005

But now, in her new life, extremely actual, she was more tranquil. She knew that outside her world there, everything would keep going on with the same rhythm as before; that her room would still be sunken in early-morning darkness, and her things, her furniture, her thirteen favorite books, all in place. And that on her unoccupied bed, the body aroma that filled the void of what had been a whole woman was only now beginning to evaporate. But how could "that" happen? How could she, after being a beautiful woman, pursued by the fear of the total night, have the immense, wakeful nightmare now of entering a strange, unknown world where all dimensions had been eliminated? She remembered. That night--the night of her passage--had been colder than usual and she was alone in the house, martyrized by insomnia. No one disturbed the silence, and the smell that came from the garden was a smell of fear. She wanted someone to pass by on the street, someone who would shout, would shatter that halted atmosphere. For something to move in nature. But it was useless

Sunday, May 22, 2005

کون گشاد دل پر حسرت
اینجور که از شواهد پیداست اپیدمی چس‌ناله بدجوری رو به گسترشه... من که دیگه حوصله این مسخره بازیا رو ندارم

Monday, May 16, 2005

As you view any situation in which you have a goal, there are basically two types of alternatives available to you. I call them direct and indirect
A direct alternative is one that requires only direct action by yourself to get a desired result. An indirect alternative requires that you act to make someone else to do what is necessary to achieve your objective
Suppose you belong to a club that rules and activities have changed to the extent that you no longer enjoy being a member. An indirect alternative would be to try to change the minds of enough members to return the club to the conditions you enjoyed previously. A direct alternative would be to quit the club and find a better one
The recognition of the two type of alternatives is one of the most important keys to freedom. Most people automativally think in terms of indirect alternatives--who must be changed, how people must be educated, what others should be doing. Consequently, they spend most of their lives in futile efforts to achieve what can't be achieved-- the remaking of others
Most people usualy prefre the indirect alternatives either because they think that's the only availalbe way (for they are not geared to looking for direct ones ) or because they are not free to act upon them, because of other restrictions in their lives

Sunday, May 08, 2005

How could you live your own life when you have responsibilities to your family, your friends and your job? how could you possibly ignore the demands that others make upon you? and isn't freedom the oportunity to live your life as you want to live it? There must be a way to be free without having to wish for a miracle. It must be a way by which an individual can change things without to rally the rest of the world to your side. I'm sure I haven't been mistaken all these time, shall I admit again that I'm entirely frivolous and intending to remain so

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I'm not anything less than what I am defined by my responsibilities
