Monday, May 16, 2005

As you view any situation in which you have a goal, there are basically two types of alternatives available to you. I call them direct and indirect
A direct alternative is one that requires only direct action by yourself to get a desired result. An indirect alternative requires that you act to make someone else to do what is necessary to achieve your objective
Suppose you belong to a club that rules and activities have changed to the extent that you no longer enjoy being a member. An indirect alternative would be to try to change the minds of enough members to return the club to the conditions you enjoyed previously. A direct alternative would be to quit the club and find a better one
The recognition of the two type of alternatives is one of the most important keys to freedom. Most people automativally think in terms of indirect alternatives--who must be changed, how people must be educated, what others should be doing. Consequently, they spend most of their lives in futile efforts to achieve what can't be achieved-- the remaking of others
Most people usualy prefre the indirect alternatives either because they think that's the only availalbe way (for they are not geared to looking for direct ones ) or because they are not free to act upon them, because of other restrictions in their lives

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