Sunday, April 30, 2006
Prescription I think I was drunk, but I heard something like nurses are allowed to do prescription, anyhow, It's none of my business indeed, I have just a personal prescription for myself, I should read the following joke at least twice a day, once before going out and once after and here is the story The girl knelt in the confessional and said, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." "What is it, child?" "Father, I have committed the sin of vanity. Twice a day I gaze at myself in the mirror and tell myself how beautiful I am." The priest turned, took a good look at the girl, and said, "My dear, I have good news. That isn't a sin.... it's simply a mistake Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
my goodness.... I've just noticed something, actually I had stated it once before whem I had just come to UK, but that time was somehow unconsciously!the fact is that I have never been surprised by what's happening to me! that time I said the only surprise is that i'm not surprised and I just noticed, let say remembered that whatever has happened to me so far, I'd had pictured it before, even all the relationships, maybe with other faces or even without faces, but there hasn't been a single event without a trace of dream/nightmare in my mind....oh my god, if that's true i should immediately stop my masochistic approach to enjoy unpleasant prospectives....actually I've already stopped this recent habit (which i shall confess was a real fun at the time) still i'm not secure! please somebody convince me that I'm wrong or i'll be at risk of waisting my time daydreaming Thursday, April 27, 2006
I thought I wouldn't care anymore, I thought I was studying, I assumed I was on the right track to go on, but how easily some little things put me down Sunday, April 23, 2006
prerequisites let's play just a suggested strategy if you are supposed to have enough currency and/or number of your sheep is big enough to level up faster, why not considering this as a strategy you shall sell out lifestyle, then if you are successful enough, not only you have costumers that you make them buy as many as possible of your related products[let's call whatever you use as your tool is your product, by which, not only you'll be able to climb to higher level, you'll get payback the power of your currency] , you may also have their next generations, actually they, themselves will adverse your products, just that you should perform your products along with some features supported with their current currency in their current level. In this way, using your product will become a value (which is defined by their current currency] and before their are coloured by your product completely you'll use other's tools [now, it would mean their current values] to spread your products let's start, one may think of the basement, right now I have of a few different basement styles in my mind (thank to the time i was working in that constructional consultant company) 1- A "walk-out" or "daylight" basement is a modern architectural form where the building is situated on a slope and part of the basement is above ground. Occupants can walk out at that point without having to use the stairs. For example, if the ground slopes downwards towards the back of the house, the basement is at or above grade (ground level) at the back of the house. It is a modern design because of the added complexity of uneven foundations; where the basement is above grade, the foundation is deeper at that point and must still be below the frostline. I recall the media for this type, I don't see any need to further explaniation on this example, in some aspects schools are examples for this type as well, consider different lifestyles suggested in education system, whatever sport, role-play, school trips, group works, case study, religion studies, different courses...., whatever is supplied in school with some extra effort can be followed by students as prospected (if potential) costumers(sheep?!) however, there’s only a slope indeed! 2- In a "look-out" basement, the basement walls extend sufficiently above ground level that some of the basement windows are above ground level. Where the site slopes gently and is insufficient for a walk-out basement, a look-out basement will result. Sometimes, a look-out basement is deliberately constructed even on a flat site. The advantage is that the basement windows are all above grade. The disadvantage is that the main floor entry is above grade as well, necessitating steps to get up to the main floor. The raised bungalow design solves this by lowering the entry half-way between the main floor and basement to make a dramatic, high-ceiling foyer. It is a very economical design because the basement is shallower, and excavation costs are minimized. do you agree with religon as an example of this type 3-A “walk-up” basement is any basement that has an exterior entrance via a stairwell. Some designs cover the stairwell with angled “basement doors” to keep rain water from accumulating in the stairwell. When initially built, the main floor joists are often exposed and the walls and floors concrete (with insulation, where appropriate). Unfinished basements allow for easy access to the main floor for renovation to the main floor. Finishing the basement can add significant floor space to a house (doubling it in the case of a bungalow) and is a major renovation project. I would suggest goverments clearly, any of which, will use other's tool to level up, if they have enough currency of course. After some thresholds the correlation is so strong that clustering is visible
there should be some red candies so I choose the other one,and that is my approach to life,not my fault Thursday, April 20, 2006
in addition to all the fun I had last night irelevantly I shaped my new feeling about samurais! after all I've always claimed for MQBRN .... first I shall tell you about the meaning, which was a term for the military nobility in pre-industrial Japan. Samurai (in Japanese) means "to serve".A notable part of the Bushido code is seppuku (切腹, seppuku?) which allowed a disgraced samurai to regain his honor by passing into death, where samurai are still beholden to the rules of the Bushido code.I don't want to say anything about their history and culture and education, nor about their honers, prides or weapon...just about their long hair, I like the way they are and the contadiction they are trying to hide, or even pretend there has never been such a contradiction, they, just as any other human being who is afraid of bringing to light their weeknesses, are trying to cover it by public display of power and pride...but it won't stop me from thinking they,have long hair for the very basic reason: their discovery of common instict between all mammals! Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
almost who ever girl I like, is like that, why not me? why should I accept it for everybody, men and women, but me? what am I chaining myself to and what for? even now, thinking about it, I feel guilty, even more, fuilty Wednesday, April 12, 2006
fantastic!!!! you probably have no idea how good it is to go for a walk when it's so early that you can't call it morning, not even dawn, yet it's not really dark! I just walked for something like two hours, I got reloaded! refreshed! whatever, I'd rather say retrieved! it's 6 AM and I'm home having my morning coffee, chatting with nasim and trying to forget the ending of my peacefull adventure! the ending was difficult, no, it's not the appropriate expression, the ending was itchy! I was burning inside to knok that door, go upstair and lay down for a bit.....pity I'm not supposed to do so...pity I have to behave, and I will, that's for sure Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Wikipedia: Secrecy Humans attempt to consciously conceal aspects of themselves from others due to shame, or from fear of rejection, loss of acceptance, or loss of employment. On a deeper level, humans attempt to conceal aspects of their own self which they are not capable of incorporating psychologically into their conscious being. Monday, April 10, 2006
![]() Sunday, April 09, 2006
Don't mess with people who assume exclusive right of teasing people for themselves, otherwise you'll be accused of saying whatever passes your mind Saturday, April 01, 2006
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