Thursday, June 15, 2006

last night before i go to bed i was thinking what makes "me" as I am , mastoure, in people eyes, is the selection of gestures and reactions i choose towards them, obviously the character by which one person identifies me differs from person to person and depends only on the selection of gestures each person has seen from me so far. my choice however might be showing a certain subset of gestures to a big group of people
I can't clearly remember what else i thought last night but this morning I woke up terrified, let say alarmed…what if my selections are random? As I said in last post , our gestures are not original, what makes our character is our choice to show which selection of gestures to whom, but what if both of my choices are not really wisely determined? Shocked and troubled I jumped out of bed to wake up as soon as possible and think it through, well…. That’s a relief! I’m not that random after all, I think now I can claim I can trace some sort of logic (!?) for my selections…and I shall admit I had really hard time today

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