Tuesday, June 13, 2006
There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time. Perhaps we become aware of our age only at exceptional moments and most of the time we are ageless. Saturday, in Birminghum I went out with Mike, he seemed to be really gentle and powerfull at the same time, he performed series of elegant gestures which i've always admired, but I can't really say I liked the guy, and it's not just because i'm still in love with somebody else...I have always trusted gestures more than words to get to know people, gestures performe the essence of charecter more sincerely than the words. But if our planet has seen some eighty billion people, it is difficult to suppose that every individual has had his or her own repertory of gestures. Arithmetically, it is simply impossible. Without the slightest doubt, there are far fewer gestures in the world than there are individuals. That finding leads to a shocking conclusion: a gesture is more individual than an individual.I said at the beginning, when I talked about the guy , that the essence of his charm, independent of time, revealed itself for a second in that gesture and dazzled me.Yes, that's how I perceived it at the time, but I was wrong. The gesture revealed nothing of that man's essence, one could rather say that the man revealed to me the charm of a gesture. A gesture cannot be regarded as the expression of an individual, as his creation (because no individual is capable of creating a fully original gesture, belonging to nobody else), nor can it even be regarded as that person's instrument; on the contrary, it is gestures that use us as their instruments, as their bearers and incarnations. But at the time of performing a gesture, consider we are not pretending or acting out, are we really aware of this fact? is it any good to accept it at all? Doesn't everybody like to confirm (maybe deep in his heart) that he is somehow uniqe with unique gesturs? Probabley it is one of our biggest mistakes that leads us to feel misinterpreted! For instant, when my assertive gestures (in my eyes) are interpreted as my snobbiness, isn't it because it's merely reincarnation of same gestures as those vain people.However the selection of gestures belongs to individuals and that's what performs our character, my choices among all possible reactions are what define me. The other day Abdi pointed out a statement from cezar saying we turn to be what people believe we are, I had read it somewhere else, I knew it, but now believing in that i should reconsider my selections and maybe practice some other gestures. I'm sure it's not late specially because at the moment of exploring yourself you are most ageless than all time
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