Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Iro junam
I don't know yet, when i saw your message I asked him-we hadn't talked about it since last I told you- and he just got quiet and left home, and its nearly midnight now
so believe me I still don't know.....
I have been very very busy at work and haven't been home last couple of weekends, that's why i haven't email you honey....
I really don't know what's gonna happen and it's eatting me from inside...
everything is such a mess and this trip is cousing more trouble that I could have possibly foreseen. On the other hand at work I am burried under workload, my manager is trying to protect me, but there is only so much she can do and I'm staying at work late everyday just to do the high priority tasks, leave alone the low priority ones .... personal development that they always boaseted about is completely out of the window :)
I hope Chris come back home soon, he just left, I am assuming he went for a walk to clear his Anyway, this Monday I shall go to Greek embassy again to collect my passport and see whther they have issued my visa, hopefully by then I'd have some clue on Chris's plans....
I'm going to take shower and go to bed, don't feel very well tonihght....


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It seems that once again I feel the urge to talk to nobody in particular, it's funny how I suddenly remember this page when I need to say things but have no fresh ear. Fresh ear? obviously means one that is not filled with my petty nags yet Many things have happened since last time I wrote here...
I changed manager at work and proved my abilities, got lots of credit but no promotion yet. Paid off my debts and started saving up to buy a house that has a back garden. I want to plant an apple tree in my house. Then there is recession. Also I don't like labor government but don't trust conservatives either.
I see lots of action movies these days and read less. I'm not proud of it but my brain needs rest. I abuse my brain at least 8 hours a day by validating credit risk models and researching on different methodologies of.... there's not much room left for anything else... and my eyes are so tired when i get home, 4 pages reading and I'm fast asleep.... I know these are all excuses, I am being mutated. I am stopping my growth and that's not something to be proud of, whatever excuse I make

I am engaged, am I happy? yes I think so, he is the best of all men I've known. I dare say after being born as "me" , he is the best thing happened to me. But this doesn't mean everything is rosy or fluffy, I have my worries...I shall deal with them later. There are more pressing matters to talk about. Although, a second thought, it's quite late and after all I have to wake up 6:30 tomorrow, hopefully I will write them some other time...but it's good that we are in talking term again
