Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It seems that once again I feel the urge to talk to nobody in particular, it's funny how I suddenly remember this page when I need to say things but have no fresh ear. Fresh ear? obviously means one that is not filled with my petty nags yet Many things have happened since last time I wrote here...
I changed manager at work and proved my abilities, got lots of credit but no promotion yet. Paid off my debts and started saving up to buy a house that has a back garden. I want to plant an apple tree in my house. Then there is recession. Also I don't like labor government but don't trust conservatives either.
I see lots of action movies these days and read less. I'm not proud of it but my brain needs rest. I abuse my brain at least 8 hours a day by validating credit risk models and researching on different methodologies of.... there's not much room left for anything else... and my eyes are so tired when i get home, 4 pages reading and I'm fast asleep.... I know these are all excuses, I am being mutated. I am stopping my growth and that's not something to be proud of, whatever excuse I make

I am engaged, am I happy? yes I think so, he is the best of all men I've known. I dare say after being born as "me" , he is the best thing happened to me. But this doesn't mean everything is rosy or fluffy, I have my worries...I shall deal with them later. There are more pressing matters to talk about. Although, a second thought, it's quite late and after all I have to wake up 6:30 tomorrow, hopefully I will write them some other time...but it's good that we are in talking term again

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